We want you to be completely satisfied. However, sometimes we realize you may need to cancel an order. If you are considering cancellation, feel free to send an e-mail to our Refunds department to discuss any issues prior to filling out our online form (linked below).
Aidni Infotech guarantees its products with a full replacement or refund policy. Aidni Infotech will cancel and refund, or issue a store credit, for an order upon request by the Customer within 30 days. The refund/cancellation request must be made via the Customer control panel for the specific order in question. Once again, all refund/cancellation requests must be submitted within 30 days of the initial order date.
PLEASE NOTE: The 30-Day Money Back Guarantee does not apply to subscription products or additional SANs
(Subject Alternative Names). Pertaining to subscription products - you can cancel your subscription at
any time, and you will continue to have access to the subscription service through the end of your billing
period. To the extent permitted by the applicable law, payments are non-refundable and we do not provide
refunds or credits for any partial-month subscription periods.
For Extended orders of 3 & 4 years, you can cancel your initial order within 30 days. Keep in mind that the you
cannot cancel the second order.
In the event that a certificate was purchased for fraudulent use, the purchaser forfeits the right to a
refund/exchange and the SSL Certificate or web security product will get immediately canceled/rejected/revoked.